Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice
Persephone Theatre, Saskatoon
May 2-16, 2018
*HELD OVER to May 27*
Adapted by Janet Munsil from the novel by Jane Austen
Directed by Johnna Wright
Arguably the most famous love story in literature that ends happily, Pride and Prejudice has attracted some 200 years of readers to its strong, independent heroine. Elizabeth Bennet, a daughter of the ‘lower gentry’, outspoken, intelligent, and proud, finds herself clashing with the aristocratic and aloof Mr. Darcy. Lizzie’s strength and independence have endeared her to generations of fans, but Jane Austen is too sophisticated a writer to leave it at that. Lizzie has a few lessons to learn from her dealings with Mr. Darcy. We all know that these two are destined to be together, but first they must both overcome the pride and the prejudice that keep them apart.
pictured above: Heather Morrison