The Merry Wives of Windsor
“Bard’s Wives Merriest Ever” Entertainment News NW
Bard on the Beach, 2012
by William Shakespeare, adapted by Johnna Wright
Directed by Johnna Wright
Music Director: Ben Elliott
Set Design: Pam Johnson
Costume Design: Drew Facey
Lighting Design: Adrian Muir
Sound Design: Alexander Brendan
Stage Management: Joanne P.B. Smith, Rae-Lynn Gagnon, Rebecca Mulvihill,
Samara van Nostrand
CAST: Anousha Alamian, Patti Allan, Scott Bellis, Kayla Doerksen, Ben Elliott, Aslam Husain, Daryl King, Amber Lewis, Neil Maffin, David Marr, Allan Morgan, Alex Rose, Todd Thomson, Ashley Wright, Katey Wright
photos by David Blue
Jessie Richardson Awards:
Outstanding Production
Johnna Wright, Outstanding Direction
Drew Facey, Outstanding Costume Design
Ben Elliott, Musical Direction
(7 nominations)
“A joyous production of one of Shakespeare’s best loved comedies.” Press Plus 1
“Merry Wives of Windsor Scores Big Laughs” Vancouver Sun
“Exciting and risk-taking productions like this one… will ensure that both Bard on the Beach and the Bard himself will remain relevant into the festival’s future.” Hummingbird 64
“Not only does Wright deserve accolades for a wildly original concept, she tops herself by setting it in a country bar in 1968.” Entertainment News NW
“The show got an instant standing ovation on opening night and my money is on this boot-scootin’ production to make that a regular occurrence.” Entertainment News NW
“ensemble theatre at its finest: every cog in the machine… just works, and the results are so much fun.” Hummingbird 64
“The Merry Wives of Windsor is a total hoot and you’d best make reservations now because this is a sure sellout.” Entertainment News N
“a delightful romp that is full of bawdy fun and is a lighthearted celebration of community spirit.” Review Vancouver
“Somehow, the small-town Canadiana… brings Shakespeare’s comedy colourfully to life, making the inherent farce in the play both instantly recognizable and also refreshingly funny and new.” Hummingbird 64
“The immensely talented cast appear to have as much fun as the audience.” Review Vancouver
“Merry Wives is a treat to watch… see it this weekend!” Vancouver Weekly
“The first big laugh comes as you step into the [theatre] to discover the play has been relocated to Windsor, Ontario, where Falstaff is a pompous and broke British foreigner who underestimates a small town full of clever Canucks.” Vancouver Sun
“This is an extremely entertaining production that everyone will enjoy…” Press Plus 1
“…this Merry Wives of Windsor isn’t just merry, at times it’s downright outta sight.” Gay Vancouver
“What makes this show seriously kick some cow patties is the rockin’ country band led by [Ben] Elliott…” Entertainment News NW
“The colonial wives who prove to be Falstaff’s undoing are portrayed with down-home accuracy by Katey Wright and Amber Lewis.” Entertainment News NW
“The usually dull central story is a great deal of fun under Wright’s direction” Gay Vancouver
“I have rarely laughed so hard at any production, much less Shakespeare.” Entertainment News NW
“Daryl King and [Ben] Elliott take dorkiness to new heights…” Entertainment News NW
“Merry Wives… is even better than I anticipated.” Entertainment News NW
“Todd Thomson redefines the urban cowboy…” Entertainment News NW
“Patti Allan… is absolutely devastating as the conniving Mistress Quickly.” Entertainment News NW
“…some of the songs will make liquid come out of your nose if you take a sip at the wrong time.” Entertainment News NW
“Scott Bellis puts on a master class with his portrayal of the insanely jealous husband Ford who disguises himself as a beatnik …. Hip has never been so hilarious.” Entertainment News NW
“Special kudos must go to Ashley Wright as the preposterously pompous Falstaff who combines wit, comic timing and agility…” Review Vancouver
“Ashley Wright’s Falstaff is a charming buffoon, aware of – and unapologetic about – his shortcomings.” Georgia Straight
“it’s a safe bet that Elizabethan audiences [wanted to see Falstaff again] — and based on the opening night performance of [this production], Vancouver audiences will too.” Vancouver Sun