The Clockmaker
“Intriguing and engaging” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
Never-ending Highway / Embrace Theatre, 2015
by Stephen Massicotte
Directed by Johnna Wright
Set Design: Jenna Maren
Costume Design: Miranda Hughes
Lighting Design: Will Brooks
Sound Design: Chris Donlevy
Stage Manager: Laura Andreas
CAST: Grahame Kent, Alex Hartshorn, Charlie Peters, Jamie Lee Shebelski
“Intriguing and engaging.” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
“Johnna Wright’s direction brings out the comedy” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
“[Alex] Hartshorn is nothing less than a revelation as Frieda” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
“”Frieda and Henrich’s blossoming romance is the heart of the play, and it’s delightful.” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
“[Charlie] Peters invests Heinrich with an endearing quality and you can’t help but … cheer on his increasing confidence.” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix