Pride and Prejudice
“Pride and Prejudice is a Romantic’s Dream” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
Persephone Theatre, 2018
adapted from the Jane Austen novel by Janet Munsil
Directed by Johnna Wright
Set Design: Cameron Porteous
Costume Design: Bonnie Deakin
Lighting Design: Wendy Lundgren
Sound Design: Gilles Zolty
Choreography: Alex Hartshorn
Stage Management: Laura Kennedy, Melanie Rogowski, McKenna Ramsey
CAST: Heather Morrison as Lizzie, Aaron Hursh as Mr. Darcy; Yvonne Addai, Kent Allen, Pam Haig Bartley, Lisa Bayliss, Jackie Block, Rachelle Block, Tim Bratton, Jay Clift, Blaine Hart, Angela Kemp, Katelyn Polischuk, Jane Redlyon, Jamie Lee Shebelski, Kirk Smith, Megan Zong
photos by Electric Umbrella
“It’s deceptively simple, good taste winning over excessive ornamentation.” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
“Are some actors born for a part or can they — or the director — make it seem so? … You have to wonder as you watch Heather Morrison and Aaron Hursh play Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy… They make it look easy, which perfectly suits the feel of director Johnna Wright’s production.” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
“The trademark of this show is the beautiful use of silhouettes with a blue-black background rather than reams of antique-store furniture and solid walls.” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
“Lisa Bayliss is terribly funny in the part of the mother, slightly unhinged, shrill and hypochondriacal.” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
“Jane Redlyon stole scenes as two completely different characters, each with textbook accents … Megan Zong, in contrast, was hilarious without saying a word.” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
“[Darcy’s proposal is] a romantic’s dream when it comes, the suitor’s “You are my captain” speech leaving many fluttering hearts in its wake.” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix