Leading Ladies
“Season’s Best Comic Acting” Vancouver Province
Gateway Theatre, 2008
by Ken Ludwig
Directed by Johnna Wright
Set Design: Karyn McCallum
Costume Design: Jen Darbellay
Lighting Design: Shannon Montgomery
Sound Design: Chris Hind
Stage Management: Lori Parker & Jaimie Tait
CAST: Wendy Morrow Donaldson, Luisa Jojic, Peter Jorgensen, Raphael Kepinski, Chris Robson, Tara Travis, Allan Zinyk
photos by David Cooper
“The Gateway Theatre has a winner on its hands with its raucous production of Leading Ladies” Vancouver Sun
“Nothing can prepare you for Stephanie and Maxine’s entrance… it’s one of the funniest I’ve ever seen.” Vancouver Courier
“Drag can get dull very quickly, but Peter Jorgensen and Allan Zinyk are hilarious…. [they] lead the rest of the cast in a merry romp.” Vancouver Courier
“Musical theatre vet Peter Jorgensen turns out to be a terrific comedian.” Vancouver Province
“Johnna Wright’s direction is so strong that [the play]… roared along on opening night” Vancouver Sun
“When Leo, who is dressed as Maxine, plays Olivia opposite Meg’s Viola in a scene from Twelfth Night, the exchange vibrates with layers of longing.” Georgia Straight
“Johnna Wright directs with panache.” Vancouver Province
“Leading Ladies is good for what ails you.” Vancouver Courier
“The sex in this sex farce, set in 1952, is sweet and corny, but some of the comedy is ferocious.” Vancouver Province
“Luisa Jojic takes the ingenue role and makes this bright-eyed innocent into a marvel of stage magic.” Vancouver Sun
“Director Johnna Wright keeps the gag-meter running high and the whole cast makes the comedy work, especially [Luisa] Jojic’s adorable Meg.” Vancouver Sun
“Allan Zinyk is an extraordinary physical comedian.” Georgia Straight
“[Allan] Zinyk, known for his zaniness, outdoes himself here. His drag act is ridiculously funny.” Vancouver Province
“Under Johnna Wright’s guiding hand, Leading Ladies stays funny right to its silly final curtain. If laughter is the best medicine, this is like taking the whole bottle.” Vancouver Courier