It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play
Western Canada Theatre, 2022
adapted from the film by Joe Landry
Directed by Johnna Wright
Set Design: Ross Nichol
Costume Design: Bonnie Deakin
Lighting Design: Matthew Piton
Sound Design & Composition: Lukas Vanderlip
Stage Management: Alana Freistadt, June Zinck
Youth Supervisor: Lizzy King
CAST: Alex Furber as George Bailey, Tracey Power as Mary Bailey; Laine Gillies, Doug Herbert, Annette Loiselle, Kirk Smith, Lukas Vanderlip, Christopher Weddell
YOUTH ENSEMBLE: Meer Daneyaal Abidi, Quincy Gathercole, Anna Hahn, June Herbert, Nixon Kennedy, Anna MacFarlane
photos by Barbara Zimonick
“Excellent. …there isn’t a weak link in the cast. Playing George, the main character, [Alex Furber] hits the sweet spot of the script’s period innocence. That’s a very difficult thing to do.”
Fresh Sheet