Back to Berlin
“Top-notch” Vancouver Sun
part of Fear Some: Three Stories About What Scares You
Solo Collective, 2005
by Vern Thiessen
Directed by Johnna Wright
Set & Lighting Design: Del Surjik
Sound Design: Noah Drew
Special Properties: Yayah Studios
Stage Management: Anne Taylor
CAST: Scott Bellis
photos by Aaron Bushkowsky
“Satisfying from start to finish, Fear Some is a top-notch trio of one-act plays.” Vancouver Sun
“Trio of Monologues Frightfully Good” Vancouver Courier
“Scott Bellis is fantastic. He transforms so subtly and so completely from patriarch to offspring and back again that it’s like watching a kind of spiritual possession. … The tenderness that emerges is moving partly because it emerges from such prickly masculinity.” Georgia Straight
“Directed by Johnna Wright, Back to Berlin reminds us that our stories are not only about wars won and lost but also of love and forgiveness.” Vancouver Courier