A Christmas Story
“It’s a warm memoir… a present worth waiting for” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
Persephone Theatre, 2011
by Philip Grecian
Directed by Johnna Wright
Set Design: David Roberts
Costume Design: Wes Pearce
Lighting Design: Mark von Eschen
Sound Design: Daniel Knight
Stage Management: Laura Kennedy, Lorraine Gordon
CAST: Tom Rooney as the Narrator, Christian McQueen as Ralphie, Solomon Brown, Matt Burgess, Ireland Cockwill, Jenna-Lee Hyde, Thomas Korinek, Rowan O’Hagan, Logan Pfeifer, Jamie Lee Shebelski, Lucas Stahl-Cardinal
photos by Liam Richards
“Persephone’s take on [A Christmas Story] has put me into the Christmas spirit early this year!” Planet S Magazine
“A Christmas Story delivers family fun” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
“Working with a cast of children is notoriously hard, but they’ve pulled it off with aplomb.” Planet S Magazine
“The visual show-stopper is the landmark department store Santa scene. …Rest easy, purists, it’s there, cleverly streamlined but big and suitably tacky.” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
“Christian McQueen does a bang up job of being young Ralphie.” Planet S Magazine
“Matt Burgess brings it on home, as he always does, with a stellar performance.” Planet S Magazine
“All the kids as well as the director should be proud…” Planet S Magazine
“…the woman sitting next to me… was practically shouting at the young man who was about to lick the lamppost.” Planet S Magazine
“The rest of the cast were also excellent….” Planet S Magazine
“Jamie Lee Shebelski is right at home as the Mother…” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
“[Christian McQueen] was particularly funny during the fantasy segment… where he imagines himself going blind from having his mouth washed out with soap.” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
“Ireland Cockwill, who plays Esther Jane, steals more than one scene.” Planet S Magazine
“It’s a warm memoir… a solid play for the whole family and a present worth waiting for.” Saskatoon Star Phoenix