The Mousetrap
“Delightful is the best description” Prince George Citizen
Theatre North West, 2023
by Agatha Christie
Directed by Johnna Wright
Set Design: Brian Ball
Costume Design: Christopher David Gauthier
Lighting Design: Harika Xu
Sound Design: Steven Charles
Stage Management: Johnell Stafford
CAST: Mack Gordon, David Leach, Conor Ling, Shelby Meany, Micheal Querin, Anna Russell, Hayley Sullivan, Chris Walters
photos by Brian Ball
“…all at once funny, entertaining and intriguing.”
“It’s not just suspenseful, it’s also incredibly funny.”
“…another example of the high-quality stage productions available to us in northern B.C. Those who have never experienced local theatre should think about giving this one a try.”